Sacrificing your values or standards to be with someone is a sign of addiction. Published by Augustine Fellowship, Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous, Fellowship-Wide Services, Incorporated, 1986.Trusting too much or too little are signs of addiction.Inability to commit to a relationship or staying involved with someone who is emotionally unavailable shows a fear of intimacy – a symptom of addiction.Staying in a painful relationship out of fear of abandonment or loneliness is a sign of addiction, not love.Using sex or romance to substitute for vulnerable, authentic intimacy is a symptom of addiction.SLAA was founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 1976, by a member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Using sex or a relationship to cope with emptiness, depression, anger, shame, or anxiety is a sign of addiction. Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) is a twelve-step program for people recovering from sex addiction and love addiction.Ignoring your partner’s boundaries, and abusing, controlling or manipulating him or her (including people-pleasing or rescuing) are signs of addiction.Compulsive activity, whether sexual or romantic, that feels out-of-control, such as compulsive sex, stalking, spying, constant calling or texting is a sign of addiction.Having sex with strangers or frequent multiple partners is a sign of sexual addiction.Love at first sight may be triggered by many things, but it’s not love, and may be a warning sign.We might even leave an unhealthy relationship and still love our ex. We are autonomous except in matters affecting other Groups or S.L.A.A. Fellowship-Wide Services (F.W.S.) website, which can be found here. This website is not the official S.L.A.A. When we heal, we can see whether love remains. The Portland S.L.A.A Intergroup does not speak for all of S.L.A.A. We can help you begin your recovery journey. Lust and love and love and addiction can overlap. If you have determined that a problem exists, the Sex Addicts Anonymous 12-step recovery program can represent your pathway to freedom from dependence.

Addictive relationships may include sex addiction, and romance, relationship, and love addiction.